Sunday, July 25, 2010

* animated boot logo
* animated volume bar
* animated OSK
* 5 different animated Mario characters move about the screen
* the wallpaper is build right into system_plugin_bg
* 5.00 version has MUSIC/PHOTO sub folder support
* clock fades on & off the screen
* The battery is the mushroom on the dock. Green = 100%, orange = 50%, red = less than 25%
* Custom font, gameboot, CTF xmb downloader AND MORE !!
* And Much More!

* ZiNgA BuRg - rcoEdit, rcoMage, and EP
* gsmoke - helped with dock, animations, and gave me inspiration
* davee & bubbletune - module descrambler
* Dark Alex & PSP Gen for their cfw
* highboy for all his useful tools
* BlessedHands - dynamic Editor
* Frank Zito - For his animated OSK script & for providing a preview vid
* mutevict1m - used some offsets from his frosted theme
* patpat - for ctf GUI tool
* trobert94 for his CTF download site
* Anyone else i forgot
* Schmilk, V1, and all the other people who hunted down these prx offsets
* Everyone still keeping the PSP scene alive

Download:  (Gen-D)


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